I. AM. WOMAN. A BLACK WOMAN. A BLACK CREATOR from North Carolina. As a #EncoreMillennial, she pursuing a new career in directing and producing. She is finding her 'VOICE' as an artist.
A natural over-thinker, a creative, mindful artist with unfiltered experiences that come to life through her words and lens.
As a multi-hyphenate and current business owner, she is the founder of Black Mecca Media, Black CreatHers Inc., and the Black Mecca Film Festival. The M.E.C.C.A is an acronym for Media, Culture, Community, and Artists as the safe space she vows to curate for the black community.
The art of using your voice is changing the narrative, advocating, and building the table for beautiful humans while challenging all barriers of an encore-millennial black woman in media.
Art is a form of expression through creativity without limitations. Jamie finds beauty in a minimalistic way. Come along on this journey as she shares the process of creating her “THE” table.
Jamie Arielle, CEO